Afbeelding Hotline


Welcome to the hotline of the Netherlands Compliance Institute. Through this page you can report a suspicion of an irregularity, integrity incident or malpractice by using the form below.

When can you report to us?

You can report to us if the organisation you work for has taken out a subscription with us and has appointed us as reporting centre. If an organisation has appointed us as a hotline, our name is mentioned on your organisation’s intranet and/or the reporting scheme (this regulation is called whistleblower regulation in some organisations).

How can you report?

You can make a report by entering information in the form below. After you have made the report, you will receive confirmation of receipt from us within 5 working days. We will be happy to contact you to discuss the report with you.


We will treat your report confidentially. This also applies to your identity. We shall not share information about your identity or information from which your identity can be derived with anyone. We will only do so if you give us explicit permission.

What do we do with your report?

We assess your report for admissibility. This means that we check the report on the following points:

  • Is the report about an organisation that has taken out a subscription with us?
  • Does the report concern a suspicion of an irregularity, integrity incident or malpractice?

We will inform you about our decision.

If your report does not meet the requirements, we cannot process it. We will then advise you what you can do.

If your report meets the above-mentioned requirements, we advise the organisation that the report concerns how to handle it. This often means that we advise to investigate. The organisation only receives the content of the report and no information from which your identity can be derived.


If you prefer not to let us know who you are, you can report anonymously. You can do this in two ways:

  • You can use a temporary e-mail address that does not reveal your name. This way, we can let you know what we will do with the report and request more information if necessary.
  • You can fill in the form below without giving your name, e-mail address and telephone number. Should you choose this option, we will not be able to contact you. We cannot let you know what we can do with the report. In some cases, this means that we cannot follow up on the report if we have not received sufficient information.
Any questions?

Do you have any questions or doubts about making a report? Please contact your organisation’s confidential advisor or one of our compliance officers. We can be reached on 088 99 88 100.
